mother child

Reliable maternal and fetal monitoring for obstetrical care

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For half a century, Philips has been at the forefront of innovation in obstetrical care.

Learn more about the 50th anniversary, including perspectives from clinical leaders around the world.

Fetal and Maternal Monitoring


A new addition to any family is always welcome – especially when it’s the next generation of Philips Avalon fetal monitoring solutions. Avalon now includes a wealth of technical advances in monitoring, measurement, and transducer technology that allow mothers to move about during labor during routine and high-risk deliveries. And with Smart Pulse technology, you can differentiate between maternal pulse and fetal heart rate without the need of an additional sensor like SpO2 and ECG, even when monitoring multiples.


Discover how this innovative wireless solution and our obstetrical information system can deliver a rewarding experience for mom, baby, and caregivers.



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Hear from Philips fetal monitoring customers

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Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in UK and Heidelberg Women’s Hospital in Germany

Philips Avalon CL cableless fetal monitoring system eliminates the discomfort of cables and allows moms to move freely during labor for more flexible birthing options.

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Burnside Hospital in Australia 

When Avalon CL is used with the OB information system, IntelliSpace Perinatal, clinicians are able to capture a comprehensive clinical record while providing a more flexible birth experience

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The Medical Center Leeuwarden in the Netherlands 

Leeuwarden streamlines the flow of information on its obstetrics and gynecology ward by connecting Philips IntelliSpace Perinatal with its electronic medical record.

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