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Philips Distributor Contacts

As a focused Health Technology leader, our goal is to improve the lives of 3 billion people by 2030. To reach this ambitious goal we collaborated with successful distributors to deliver the same level of excellence and customer satisfaction. On this page, you can search for the Philips distributors in your region.

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Czech Republic EDOMED a. s. U Vinohradske Nemocnice 3,13000,Praha Praha Yes
  • CT AMI
Czech Republic SNT Plus s.r.o. Novodvorská 994/138,142 00,Praha 4 Praha 4 Yes
  • Ultrasound
  • Hospital Patient Monitoring
  • Emergency Care
  • Amb Monitoring & Diag
  • Cardiovascular Informatics
  • Clinical Integration & Insights
Czech Republic Saegeling Medizintechnik, s. r. o. Mírová 1311/9a,618 00 ,Brno Brno Yes
  • Hospital Patient Monitoring
  • Sleep Respiratory Care
  • Clinical Informatics
  • Clinical Integration & Insights
Czech Republic FOMEI s.r.o. U Libeňského pivovaru 2015/10,180 00,Praha 8 Praha 8 Yes
  • MR OEM
  • IGT Systems
  • DXR
Czech Republic Adyton s.r.o. Nové Město, Kateřinská 1493/15,12000,Prague 2 Prague 2 Yes

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