To guide our efforts, we have created a global policy to address the evolving nature of security in medical technology, including product feature requirements, security threat assessment and tracking, and compliance with local government standards.
Philips Product Security Status documents have product-specific vulnerability updates and security-related information such as supported anti-virus software, OS security features, and remote service. Each product has its own table and the products are separated by modality, i.e. Informatics, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance, etc. The Status Documents list known software vulnerabilities, the current status, and Recommended Customer Action. Revised tables are posted regularly with the latest available information.
Specifically, Philips Healthcare is using the Manufacturer Disclosure Statement for Medical Device Security (MDS²) to provide security information about its products. The MDS² contains product specific security information such as: The MDS², a universal reporting form which allows Philips Healthcare to supply its customers with model-specific information, is endorsed by the American College of Clinical Engineering (ACCE), ECRI (formerly the Emergency Care Research Institute), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The form also contains security practice recommendations and explanatory notes from the manufacturer as well as detailed.
As part of our commitment to product security and customer service, Philips Healthcare supplies our customers with information to help assess and address the vulnerabilities and risks associated with products that maintain or transmit ePHI.
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For more details on specific product security advisories please click the below button.
Philips manufactures, sells and helps you maintain highly complex medical devices and systems. Per policy, only Philips authorized changes are allowed to be made to these systems, either by Philips personnel or under Philips explicit published direction.
Please contact your Philips service representative for specific information about potential vulnerabilities and the availability of patches for your equipment configuration.
Product Security
All your Philips services and devices cooperate in a standardized way to guard against existing and emerging threats.
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