Enterprise solutions

    Shaping the future of stroke care

    Philips is committed to strengthening stroke care, helping to build a system that better serves patients across their entire care experience. This includes not only developing the right solutions, but also driving advocacy for better access to stroke care globally.

    Leading experts in field of stroke about Improving stroke care

    Shaping the future of stroke care to improve the lives of millions

    Acute ischemic stroke is the second leading cause of mortality and a key cause of long-term disability worldwide1. Philips is a technology leader committed to strengthening stroke care, helping to build a system that better serves patients across their entire care experience. This includes not only developing the right solutions but also driving advocacy for better access to stroke care globally. Together, we can expand access and create a better care pathway that speeds up diagnostic decisions, improving stroke care and patient outcomes to make a difference for stroke patients worldwide.

    Philips supports collaborative stroke care

    See how Philips can help you save critical time to help improve stroke patient outcomes, from emergency care to fast diagnosis and confident treatment to post-stroke patient care.

    Reduce uncertainty at first contact


    Emergency care that reduces uncertainty at first contact

    Connect with stroke experts for timely diagnosis and transfer decision-making.

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    Support faster diagnosis and treatment

    Improve workflow efficiency and data-sharing for timely stroke care.

    Image Guided Therapy Azurion neuro suite


    Improve treatment outcomes

    Azurion Image Guided Therapy neuro suite offers fast start-up, simplified workflow and 3D imaging guidance for better care 24/7.

    Direct to Angio Suite


    Discover workflows for Direct to Angio Suite (DTAS)

    DTAS may reduce stroke treatment time and improve outcomes. Follow our progress in the WE-TRUST clinical trial.

    Early detection of Afib


    Help reduce readmissions post-stroke

    Proactive and early detection of atrial fibrillation may help to minimize the risk of a recurring stroke.

    Demonstrated results


    increase in diagnostic confidence

    Save time by creating neurology scans that visualize vitally important characteristics. Decide based on images with enhanced grey/white matter differentiation and reduction in beam-hardening artifacts. Philips Spectral CT 7500 increases diagnostic confidence due to improved lesion conspicuity.9


    reduction in initially undetected LVOs5

    Interact with StrokeViewer from Azurion at tableside without breaking sterility to streamline stroke workflows. Use of StrokeViewer reduces initially undetected LVOs by 20%5, which potentially increases the number of patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy (EVT).


    minutes door-to-groin time with Direct to Angio Suite (DTAS)

    We are investigating if more eligible acute stroke patients can be treated by bringing them directly to the angio suite for diagnosis and treatment. A single-center study showed door-to-groin time reduced from 70 to 16 minutes (conventional workflow vs DTAS), with better 90-day outcomes10.


    reduction in patient transfers to the ICU4

    Since implementing Philips’ patient monitoring technology in 2015, Saratoga Hospital has reduced patient transfers to the intensive care unit (ICU) by 63 percent and eliminated patient codes within its 20-bed orthopedic unit, which dropped from three or four codes per year to zero.

    Featured products for stroke care

    Frequently asked questions

    What does research suggest about the economic value of DTAS?

    A health economic analysis published in 2023 in the Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery (JNIS) shows an innovative approach to the stroke care pathway reduced costs by an average of EUR 2,848 (~USD 3,120) per patient. The retrospective analysis looked at data from the controlled single-center ANGIOCAT clinical trial conducted at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Stroke Unit (Barcelona, Spain)11. Earlier results from this study demonstrated that a ‘Direct-to-Angio Suite’ (DTAS) pathway improves clinical outcomes for patients who have suffered a stroke.

    How can I find information about improving stroke care in my country?

    The World Stroke Organization (WSO) is calling for action with its global policy agenda, which features advocacy of stroke prevention, stroke recognition, quality stroke services, stroke rehabilitation and recovery for life after stroke, and action and accountability by governments. The joint WSO-Philips policy paper proposes six policy interventions to improve outcomes, and reduce direct costs with substantial potential savings, releasing essential resources for other priorities across struggling healthcare systems.

    We are always interested in engaging with you.

    Let us know how we can help.

    Select your area of interest
    Contact details


    [1] www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/mortality-and-global-health-estimates
    [2] Saini V, et al. Global epidemiology of stroke and access to acute ischemic stroke interventions. Neurology. 2021;97:S6-S16
    [3] StrokeViewer is a trademark of Nicolab.
    [4]The results achieved in this first Azurion lab performance study (2017) have been verified by an independent third party. Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained (St. Antonius hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands) and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.
    [5] Fasen, et al. Neuroradiology. 2022.
    [6]Multicenter Innovate study across a leading Hub and Spoke network in The Netherlands in 2020, data collection ongoing. Streamlined stroke workflow | StrokeViewer | Nicolab
    [7] Lindsay P, et al. World Stroke Organization global stroke services guidelines and action plan. Int J Stroke. 2014 Oct;9 Suppl A100:4-13
    [8] Saver JL, et al. The “golden hour” and acute brain ischemia: presenting features and lytic therapy in >30,000 patients arriving within 60 minutes of stroke onset. Stroke. 2010 Jul;41(7):1431-9.
    [9] Analysis by SNUH - Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
    [10] www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STROKEAHA.118.021989
    [11] Requena M, Vanden Bavière H, Verma S, et al. Cost-utility of direct transfer to angiography suite (DTAS) bypassing conventional imaging for patients with acute ischemic stroke in Spain: results from the ANGIOCAT trial. Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery Published Online First: 27 April 2023. doi: 10.1136/jnis-2023-020275

    *This solution is not available in all countries. Consult your local Philips representative for more detailed information.
    **Philips ePatch® is a Class IIa medical device and validated as an Ambulatory ECG device (Holter) using the Harmonized Standard ISO60601-2-47 and developed using EN13485 as a quality management system.

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