Keep your technology up-to-date and clinically advanced with enhanced security.
Keeping imaging systems up-to-date, secure, compliant, and protected can be very challenging. However, as every clinician and hospital leader know, upgrades are vital to the performance and operational value of systems. Technology Maximizer is a service offering next to our maintenance service agreements that maximizes your clinical capabilities and equipment performance with software and hardware upgrades that keep the system technology up-to-date.
Technology Maximizer helps you stay clinically advanced to drive better patient outcomes and staff experience. It also allows you to predict your budget while keeping systems up to date, enhancing workflows, improving image quality, and cybersecurity. *Technology Maximizer is available for selected systems and availability varies in different markets.
Boost the clinical capability and operational performance of your imaging equipment with Philips Technology Maximizer.
Technology Maximizer for Image Guided Therapy IGT Systems Fixed
IGT Mobile Surgery
Technology Maximizer for Computed Tomography
Technology Maximizer for Magnetic Resonance
Technology Maximizer for Diagnostic X-Ray
Technology Maximizer for Ultrasound
Keep your equipment up-to-date while enhancing workflows
Protect clinical data and reduce cybersecurity risk
Drive better patient outcomes and staff experience
Be predictable in your costs while keeping systems up to date
Discover how University of Chicago Medicine is keeping their equipment up-to-date and clinically advanced with Philips Technology Maximizer.
The University of Aberdeen celebrated its 40th anniversary of MRI research and development with a comprehensive upgrade to its Philips 3.0T scanner, including the acquisition of Technology Maximizer, which will support the University through continuous system upgrades, helping them to stay clinically advanced and to remain at the forefront of the latest technology.
Watch how Mount Carmel hospital benefitted from it.
With the Maximizer program you can rest assured that your ultrasound systems will be kept up to date, at a fraction of the cost of purchasing software upgrades separately.
Disclaimer: GemSeek research commissioned by Philips, N=151 (USA).
Explore the benefits of Technology as a Service in healthcare and how to move from cost-increasing to cost-reducing and security enhancing technology with subscription based hardware and software upgrade program.
Philips healthcare partners with you and brings a wealth of knowledge and years of expertise that can help you realize end-to-end operational excellence across your organization.
Our vision is to provide integrated solutions that advance minimally invasive procedures by helping healthcare providers to decide, guide, treat and confirm the right therapy for the right patient at the point of care.
With a wide variety of patients and large range of clinical indications, you need MRI that can perform with digital clarity & speed in many clinical circumstances. With our MRI solutions, you can meet today’s healthcare challenges.
Discover how Philips Computed Tomography can meet your imaging needs by exploring our family of CT scanners and state of the art clinical solutions.
Explore Philips wide selection of ultrasound machines, designed to meet the challenges of today's clinical practices.
We offer a range of service agreements to meet your priorities and technologies. To give you flexibility, Philips provides you with a choice of service support based on your specific requirements, with service handled on-site or remotely.
Discover our portfolio of upgrades and trade-ins that can extend the life of your equipment. SmartPath can help keep your imaging systems up-to-date.
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