Clinical leader videos - EWS
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Philips early warning scoring

Clinical leaders share their advice and insight

Implementing Automated EWS

Why consider implementing automated EWS?

Motivating factors your organization might share

Building an organizational case for automated EWS video

Building an organizational case for automated EWS

Addressing the various priorities of the clinical, financial, IT and executive teams

Gaining clinical team support for automated EWS video

Gaining clinical team support for automated EWS

Getting buy-in and adoption from clinical staff for long-term success

Implementing change management with Automated EWS video

Implementing change management with automated EWS

Measuring the success of your EWS program over time

Aiming for success and compliance with Automated EWS video

Aiming for success and compliance with automated EWS

Keeping up the enthusiasm and momentum for a EWS program across the organization

Ready to start or optimize an early warning scoring program?

Consult with a Philips specialist who can help you build an EWS solution designed around your organization.


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Envisioning the future of patient deterioration detection

The potential of predictive data analytics video

The potential of predictive data analytics

Directing our most valuable resources to those patients who need it.

A customer story


Lakeland Health in Michigan sees a 56% reduction in codes after implementing Philips IntelliVue Guardian. Hear their story.

Lakeland video

Rapid response to clinical deterioration with early warning scoring

Do your care givers have the information they need to identify subtle signs of patient deterioration early? The indications of a patient’s clinical instability typically occur six to eight hours before an adverse event.1

Ready to get started? Looking to optimize? We can help

Intellivue Guardian

IntelliVue Guardian

Automated early warning scoring system combines vital signs monitoring and software for early identification of patients at risk for deterioration.

EWS education and training

EWS education and training

Get started on an EWS program or optimize your processes in place to enable your caregivers to react and respond before an adverse event.



Results of clinical studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

All products may not be available in all geographies. Please check with your Philips representative for complete portfolio availability.

1 Incidence, staff awareness and mortality of patients at risk on general wards. Fuhrmann L, Lippert A, Perner A, Østergaard D. Resuscitation. 2008 Jun;77(3):325-30.  Epub 2008 Mar.

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