Philips IntelliVue Guardian Solution
Optimize your clinical workflow to improve patient care
Our IntelliVue Guardian Solution with automated vital signs measurements and early warning scoring is a customizable patient monitoring system combining software, clinical decision support algorithms, mobile connectivity and clinical transformation services to help you identify the right patient at the right time for early, effective intervention.
IntelliVue Guardian Solution (IGS) is a workflow support solution that automates many steps in routine vital signs taking on general wards, helps to increase compliance, and utilizes tailored EWS protocols to help you identify early signs of patient deterioration. IGS may also help document compliance with established patient safety standards by making it easy to alert physicians when needed. Philips Guardian helps you to reduce ICU transfers and readmissions, adverse events, and length of stay. Plus the system can be tailored to your hospital’s escalation protocols to improve clinical workflow, financial outcomes, and patient care.
The IntelliVue Guardian Solution automatically acquires vital signs, calculates an early warning score, displays it at the point of care, and notifies responsible caregivers to intervene quickly.
reduction in hospital mortality, including readmissions1
reduction of Severe Adverse Events1
reduction in ICU mortality of patients transferred to the ICU1
reduction of Cardiopulmonary Arrests1
For complete results, view the clinical study:
While all hospitals protocols require the collection of basic vital signs, IntelliVue Guardian incorporates automated respiration rate into its EWS calculations to further enhance quality and accuracy. Respiration rate, which is not always captured correctly, is a critical factor in accurately predicting both sepsis and cardiac arrest.
IntelliVue GuardianSoftware identifies significant deviations in a patient's vital signs and automatically verifies the accuracy of the trend, using reassurance measurements, before notifying caregivers of the change. EWS can be more reliable in identifying patients at risk than individual vital signs alone.
Since the IntelliVue Guardian Solution with EWS uses the same interfacing structure and strategy as your Philips monitoring systems in intensive care units, it connects with your EMR and ADT using the same route as your ICU monitors for seamless data exchange. Validated EWS data goes directly to your EMR to help meet Joint Commission goals and standards of care2.
With IntelliVue Guardian EWS, you have the flexibility to configure a single parameter, modified early warning score (MEWS), or even a body-systems-based pediatric EWS (PEWS). Calculations can be tailored to most hospital’s EWS protocols. And a configurable action list provides caregivers with instant recommendations. Plus you can deploy this solution using your existing Philips hardware or a virtualized environment via your LAN/WAN infrastructure.
With automated, single sign-on at the patient monitor, the IntelliVue Guardian System securely identifies caregivers with a single scan of a card – to help reduce human errors and save time. They can send validated patient data directly to the EMR, access that data or download that data to any spot-check monitor, and utilize intercept ADT information to automate patient admissions.
The IntelliVue Guardian EWS solution automates scoring of key patient vital signs acquired through Philips patient monitors and sensor-based technologies.
Guardian can be configured for the fundamental physiological differences between adults and children and calculates early warning scores that take into account the unique patterns of deterioration in children, placing a greater emphasis on nursing observations in determining the level of risk.
Philips IntelliVue Guardian supports more than one scoring algorithm for a single patient at the same time. So you can create early warning scores for specific clinical indications or long and short time windows simultaneously to assess patient risk from multiple points of view. Or you can combine early warning scoring with sepsis detection, and have the necessary data for both algorithms collected in a single, convenient spot-check procedure.
In some hospital medical-surgical units, patient information and color coded early warning scores are written on a centrally located whiteboard used to notify clinicians of changes in their patients’ status. With the IntelliVue Guardian mobile client application, clinicians will now be able to view patient vital signs, collected via devices like the wearable biosensor, and early warning scores on their mobile devices. The app can help notify clinicians to signs of potential patient deterioration before an adverse event might occur, supporting them to more efficiently intervene and focus on patients that need attention right away.
Learn more about the advanced monitor technology, wearables and software that seamlessly combines with enterprise-wide interoperability to get your hospital up and running quickly with automated early warning scoring.
Philips IntelliVue MP5SC with IntelliVue Guardian Early Warning Scoring (EWS) helps enhance patient care by providing sought-after measurements and Clinical Decision Support right at the point of care.
Get started on an EWS program or optimize your processes in place to enable your caregivers to react and respond before an adverse event.
Why consider implementing automated EWS? Motivating factors your organization might share.
Building an organizational case for automated EWS Addressing the various priorities of the clinical, financial, IT and executive teams.
Implementing change management with automated EWS Measuring the success of your EWS program over time.
Bagan Specialist Center customer story At Bagan Specialist Center, Philips Patient Deterioration Solution was implemented to support the reduction of code blue incidences by more than 50%.
Do your care givers have the information they need to identify subtle signs of patient deterioration early? The indications of a patient’s clinical instability typically occur six to eight hours before an adverse event.3
Learn how automated Early Warning Scoring (EWS) can help identify deterioration while there’s still time to make a difference. Download the Infographic to learn more.
1 Subbe, C.P., Duller, B. & Bellomo, R. Crit Care (2017) 21: 52. doi:10.1186/s13054-017-1635-z Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. Funding of the monitoring equipment and the research nurses was through a grant from Philips 2 3 Incidence, staff awareness and mortality of patients at risk on general wards. Fuhrmann L, Lippert A, Perner A, Østergaard D. Resuscitation. 2008 Jun;77(3):325-30. Epub 2008 Mar 14. PMID: 18342422 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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