Digital Subtraction Angiography
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Digital Subtraction Angiography package

With Philips Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) automatic examination pre-sets support a smooth and efficient workflow in angiography examinations. To extend flexibility and safety during DSA examinations the CombiDiagnost R90 table is enhanced with the smart geo lock for nearby work without worries.

Highlights of the package*

Diagnostic confidence

Diagnostic confidence

Intuitive DSA features

  • Roadmapping: Live subtraction under fluoroscopy
  • Live subtraction under spot image acquisition
  • Stenosis measurement: Specific vascular measurement
  • Pixel shift including split screen pixel shift: Repositioning of mask image with sub-pixel increments
  • Trace & subtract function
  • Remasking: Manual selection of mask images
  • Landmarking: Adjustment of the mask image to control the visible background anatomy

All information at one glance

All information at one glance

Full control at the patient’s side


  • Reference monitor in the examination room to be mounted either on a ceiling suspension or trolley
  • Reference image software license
  • Remote control for image navigation

*Not all packages are available for all DXR systems and package components vary per system. Windows 10 is a baseline requirement for this clinical package.


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CombiDiagnost R90 Rel 1.0

CombiDiagnost r90

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