70% of radiologists consider neuro indications to be challenging, mostly due to a lack of appropriate imaging and visualization techniques¹. Philips aims to provide the best possible diagnostic clarity and treatment guidance for all patients with neurological disorders. By leveraging our dStream digital platform, this year, we are introducing, a set of novel imaging and visualization strategies. These may empower you to resolve complex neuro questions with more certainty, as well as unlock new neuro territories in advanced Neurofunctional applications. This is a key step towards elevating neuro diagnostics and ultimately touching more lives with MR imaging. ¹ TMTG Market Survey 2016
¹ SmartExam is not available to patient with MR Conditional Implants
¹ SmartExam is not available to patient with MR Conditional Implants
Clinical cases from nearly every anatomy Explore 100+ clinical cases from your peers around the globe, that showcase how Philips MR digital technology strengthens your imaging needs.
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