Confidence in diagnosis for difficult exams
Obese patients present special challenges for ultrasound imaging because it is difficult to achieve the penetration required for diagnostic images. As a result, pathology may be missed or the patient may be referred to other imaging modalities for additional studies involving radiation, which can increase the cost of diagnosis. Since 1980, the number of overweight and obese adults has increased by 27.5% worldwide, while such rates among children and adolescents have increased by 47.1%. Collectively, the number of overweight and obese people worldwide has increased from 857 million in 1980 to 2.1 billion in 2013. Of these, 671 million are obese.* In an effort to address the challenges of imaging this rapidly growing patient population, Philips introduced PureWave transducer technology. Through the use of pure, uniform crystals, which are 85% more efficient than conventional piezoelectric material, PureWave delivers extraordinary levels of detail and contrast resolution and allows for improved penetration at higher frequencies. Even on technically difficult patients (TDP).
EPIQ PureWave transducer family.
Today, PureWave transducers offer ultra wide dynamic range and unique beam reconstruction that reinforces exceptional tissue information at greater depths with less noise. So you can image even your largest patients. In fact, in recent clinical studies using an EPIQ ultrasound system, radiologists were able to complete 85% of their TDP exams using high frequency PureWave transducers. Plus, with PureWave xMATRIX transducers, you can acquire Live 3D images during diagnostic or interventional procedures, with no change in performance. Our PureWave technology is clinically proven to help improve workflow and patient throughput, lower costs, and shorten exam time. PureWave transducers are available on EPIQ, Affiniti, and CX50 ultrasound systems.
* A team of international researchers, led by Prof. Emmanuela Gakidou of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, recently published their findings in The Lancet (May 21, 2014). For their study, the team conducted a comprehensive review of surveys, reports and scientific literature looking at overweight and obesity prevalence among adults aged 20 years or older and children ages 2-19 years between 1980 and 2013. Data was drawn from 188 countries over all 21 regions of the world. Overweight was defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m² or higher and obese was defined as a BMI of 30 kg/m² or higher.
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