Ať už provozujete hotel nebo konferenční centrum, integrovaná funkce Chromecast a snadný přístup do obchodu Google Play Store vám mohou poskytnout výhodu, kterou potřebujete, pokud byste rádi zaujali své hosty. Koneckonců, neměli by si z vašeho zařízení odnést právě zkušenost, že vše bylo snadné a bez námahy?
Tady přichází ke slovu televizor Philips MediaSuite.
K dispozici jsou 32palcové obrazovky s rozlišením FHD až 65palcové obrazovky s rozlišením 4K nebo UHD.
Make it easy for your customers to use their mobile devices to stream their favorite shows, movies, music, sports, games, and more to the big screen. Ovur MediaSuite displays come with Chromecast technology built in.
Make it easy for your customers to use their mobile devices to stream their favorite shows, movies, music, sports, games, and more to the big screen. Our MediaSuite displays come with Chromecast technology built in.
Make it easy for your employees to extend the lifetime of your systems. MediaSuite lets you install new Android versions on your existing TV making it future proof.
Monitor how guests and customers make use of your TV. Find out how often specific channels are watched and tailor your offer to the customers need. Saving costs along the way.
Keeping your customers entertained and satisfied is key. With MediaSuite they can directly access the Google Play store to download high-quality apps, including games!
Make sure your guests don’t forget to review their experience. Use the instant customer satisfaction survey content option to collect valuable feedback before your guest has even checked out.
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