The challenge: How can we improve our imaging system workflow, system utilization and patient and clinician satisfaction? Objective: Prioritize improvement opportunities based on objective, system-derived data. Method: Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.
Compared scheduling data with actual patient volume and workflow. Investigated opportunities to improve system utilization and protocol management.
Identified improvement priorities to streamline and standardize imaging procedures, simplify complexity for technologists in protocol selection and execution, minimize system idle time and improve overall patient experience.
Biggest areas of opportunity for QA compliance and drive effective execution
Philips PerformanceBridge will facilitate change and identify the ‘biggest bang for the buck’ opportunities to guide us.”
- Lynn Hanks, Executive Director Women’s Diagnostic Imaging
PerformanceBridge will enable us to monitor performance and drive lean initiatives across the Healthcare system and this is a huge need”
- Lynn Hanks, Executive Director Women’s Diagnostic Imaging
By pulling data directly from imaging systems, PerformanceBridge provides accurate, objective and inarguable insights.”
- Victoria Dune, Executive Director, Medical Imaging Services & Neuroscience
Biggest areas of opportunity for QA compliance and drive effective execution
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