Dynamic UNIQUE’s inter-frame (temporal) noise suppression uses temporal averaging, which accumulates the dose of successive frames, to reduce noise in static anatomical structures. When movement is detected, temporal averaging is restrained and spatial noise suppression steps in.
In moving regions, Dynamic UNIQUE applies intra-frame (spatial) noise suppression. The strength of spatial noise suppression is adapted to the strength of temporal noise reduction. As a result, image noise level is kept consistently low over the entire image. There is no lag effect. There are no shadows and no artifacts of moving structures.
Dynamic UNIQUE automatically determines the signal level in the anatomical region and maps it to an appropriate brightness level so you’ll experience comfortable live viewing with immediate brightness stabilization – from the first frame forward. This is less tiring to your eyes, as less time is needed to adapt to the luminosity.
Dynamic UNIQUE delivers excellent detail with overall contrast harmonization – even in challenging viewing conditions. Each and every frame is fully processed in real-time and optimally enhanced. There are no enhancement artifacts. There is no image clipping. So you are less likely to miss important details[1].
Compare side-by-side with conventional image processing and see the benefits for yourself.
This remote controlled fluoroscopy system in combination with high-end digital radiography is designed for consistent, superb image quality and high room utilization, in a cost effective manner.
"Dynamic UNIQUE image processing software harmonizes contrast. It also enhances faint details and creates uniform image quality, which enables us to clearly tell the difference between bones and soft tissue."
Dr. Paul Molitor Radiologist Centre Hospitalier du Nord, Ettelbrück, Luxembourg
[1]On routine clinical image data with standard image processing settings
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