A clinical study in partnership with the Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute (MCVI) across 200 interventional cardiology and radiology procedures demonstrated reduced table repositioning, easy radial access and improved ergonomics with the FlexArm geometry room setup compared to a standard room.
The economic benefits of installing Azurion with FlexArm in an interventional suite are significant, demonstrating the ability to reduce system footprint costs by 400% while driving cost efficiency1.
agreed that FlexArm’s flexibility is capable of supporting new procedures.2
New, complex interventions require the utmost imaging flexibility to visualize critical anatomy and identify pathological changes during procedures. FlexArm rotates on no less than eight axes to create virtually unlimited flexibility to perform imaging from head to toe on the left and right side for both 2D and 3D visualizations. The image beam remains aligned with the patient, allowing better anatomic visualization during rotations.
The FlexArm positioning flexibility frees up medical teams to choose the best working position. The C-arm 270° range of movement allows all imaging positions to be reached without hampering optimal team positioning and without the need to move the patient table. This avoids disturbing equipment and instruments, and keeps the anesthesia zone free. All 3D navigation tools can be used from seven positions around the table to support optimal staff positioning and patient access.
To enhance physician comfort and patient access, during radial access cases the FlexArm C-arm can provide off-center imaging along both sides of the table up to 118 cm on both sides. This allows physicians to perform radial access cases on the left or right arm, fully or partially extended, without moving the patient or pivoting the table.
The unlimited imaging and staff positioning flexibility of FlexArm allows procedure-specific workflows, create the ideal treatment environment for multiple specialties in one room. Imagine a combination of surgical and endovascular procedures, cardiac, peripheral procedures and orthopedic surgeries.
The movement flexibility of FlexArm combined with Axsys motion control system and ProcedureCards allow you to work according to procedure-based workflows to perform a broader mix of procedures. This has been shown to slash system positioning time by 27%[2] compared to labs with conventional interventional systems.
New challenges in minimally invasive care call for new strategies. Philips Azurion with FlexArm extends the RGK range of Azurion Image Guided Theraphy solutions. It offers a platform for innovation to help healthcare providers break new ground in superior care, efficient lab performance and an outstanding user experience.
Improving productivity and outcomes is vital for healthcare facilities to meet the growing demand for cath lab procedures. To further simplify cath lab workflow, Philips introduces the Interventional Hemodynamic system (Hemo system) which brings advanced hemodynamic measurements to the cath lab. Integration with the IntelliVue X3 patient monitor helps to enable confident clinical decision making and gap-free patient medical records, continuously monitoring the patient in the cath lab or extended throughout the hospital.
The IntraSight applications platform is where imaging, physiology, co-registration* and software all come together to clearly identify coronary and peripheral artery disease, and allow for more optimized treatment plans. IntraSight is built on a new foundational platform designed to meet the evolving needs of your lab today and tomorrow.
ClarityIQ technology provides high quality imaging for a variety of clinical procedures. It delivers excellent visibility at low X-ray dose levels for patients of all sizes. Multiple clinical studies on more than 19000 patients have been published on ClarityIQ technology to date revealing one truth: significantly lower dose across clinical areas, patients and operators.
“FlexArm enables us to dramatically optimize procedures around the patient: we can get the optimal view of what’s going on inside the patient without encumbering all of the clinicians that are working around the table.”
Barry T. Katzen Founder and Executive Medical Director, Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute (MCVI) Baptist Hospital Miami, FL USA
“The flexibility made possible with the FlexArm geometry, combined with the system’s intuitive controls, place us in a strong position to adapt to any range of procedures and clinical developments the future may hold.”
Constantino S. Peña Medical Director of Vascular Imaging Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute (MCVI) Baptist Hospital Miami, FL USA
The FlexArm movement flexibility and intelligent motion control allow you to set up procedure-based workflows to broaden lab utilization. You can stand at the head end for a carotid case, at the left or right side of the table for an EVAR, and quickly access any location on a patient during a trauma case. For complex cases, you can position the C-arm at 45° to create space for yourself and for the anesthesiologist at the head-end of the patient. To optimize working conditions for all team members, FlexArm can move 270° around the table. This allows all imaging positions to be reached without obstructing the position of team members or nearby equipment. With Image Beam Rotation, the C-arm can be positioned at any angle, while maintaining alignment with anatomy.
Frequent table movements during trauma and other critical procedures can dislodge wires and tubes and disrupt the equipment and instrument set-up at crucial moments. FlexArm gives you the ability to handle cases requiring full body access with 2D or 3D imaging from three sides of the table without pivoting or panning the table. This can enhance patient care and improve catheter, wire and intubation control. It also supports more efficient interventions by allowing you to standardize your clinical set-up.
Quickly switching from a minimally invasive to an open procedure when needed is made possible by the ability of FlexArm to move away from the table to an automatic standby position with one simple move of the Axsys controller. This creates space around the table to perform all procedures that do not require X-ray imaging. It also allows quick access to a patient during an emergency situation. When called back, FlexArm follows the same route back to its original position, creating a predictable movement for staff. Equipment remains standing and the 3D image fusion is maintained so that you can quickly pick up where you left off without making new scans.
FlexArm offers many new innovations to help physicians and team members maintain their focus on the procedure. Whether you angulate or rotate the imaging system, the X-ray beam remains centered over the region of interest so you do not have to constantly re-adjust the position of the image to display it correctly. The Axsys motion control system and the FlexArm positioning flexibility provide predictable and precise system movements that promote less disturbance and greater staff concentration. All work hand in hand with the Azurion unique user design, enabling a system that is easy to learn and easy to use.
To manage infection risk for patients during treatment, the FlexArm system is designed to meet stringent contamination control standards for operating rooms. It offers a Hybrid OR ceiling kit that supports Hybrid OR sterility requirements and allows easy cleaning of moving ceiling parts. The kit is designed to reduce laminar airflow disturbances when operating with a laminar airflow system.
FlexArm opens up room to work anywhere needed around the table and use different patient access options to support a wide range of procedures and help you make efficient use of space. Its compact design frees up space for ancillary equipment, booms and carts, It also makes more working space available compared to robotic imaging systems because it does not create a large “no fly zone” in the treatment area and it’s more predictable in its movements.
As demand for Hybrid ORs continues to increase, you can confidently welcome new clinical specialties into your FlexArm environment, and also embrace new treatment options for current user groups. Today, the flexibility of FlexArm supports current user groups such as vascular, cardiac, and neuro surgeons to perform procedures with better ergonomics and an improved workflow. This flexibility further allows newer specialties such as laparoscopic and thoracic as well as pulmonology to benefit in the same way with advanced imaging capabilities to offer nnovative treatment options. For example, the FlexArm gantry can be positioned at 45° to leave the head-end of the patient unobstructed, creating space for physicians and their bronchoscopes or lung ablation equipment.
Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. 1. Cost estimates based on Dutch avg. of $11k/10.8 ft and system footprint. 2. Compared to the labs with Azurion 7 M20. Evaluated with clinical users in a simulated lab environment after approximately 20 minutes of practicing C-arm and table positioning.
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